The Open Season Sportsman's Expo Seminar Series features industry experts throughout the whole weekend. Find the full weekend seminar schedule here.
Meet Your 2025 Ohio Seminar Speakers

How to Make Multiple, Mature Bucks Live on YOUR Property
Tony Lapratt - Ultimate Land Management and Whitetail Boot Camp
Tony is the founder of The Ultimate Land Management & Whitetail Boot Camp. He has run over 160 classes. All classes were held at the amazing Whitetail Habitat Research Center; the most advanced hunting property ever designed. Hunters have come from 41 states and Canada.

Shifting Tactics Based on the Changing Stages of the Turkey Season
Art Helin – Art Helin Outdoors
Turkey season changes week by week throughout the spring. Join Art Helin as he draws upon his own experience, successes and failures, and the hundreds of days per year in the field hunting, guiding, and scouting. Learn what tactics to change each week to stay at the top of your game.

Ultra Pressured Public Lands - 8 New Approaches to Beat the Crowds and Find Success
Adam Lewis – Deer IQ
A huge problem facing hunters today is the shift of access - private land is becoming much harder to obtain, forcing more hunters to utilize public lands that are already crowded. With roughly 90% of deer taken on private land, this leaves a huge number of hunters competing for what little remains, and with outdated tactics. Many of the "secrets" are out due to popularity from podcasts, YouTube, and social media, and are not as effective as they once were. From his own experience and interviews with top whitetail hunting experts, Adam will discuss 8 new approaches to public land hunting that anyone can use to up their odds this season and find increased success even among the crowds.

Trick Shot Archery Show
Byron Ferguson
This energetic performance by world renowned Archery Trick Shooter, Byron Ferguson, will leave you wondering how these shots are even possible. Byron uses a traditional bow and his instinctive reactions to pull off shots like hitting a flying target blindfolded. and shooting a Lifesaver candy. Along with his Trick Shot shooting, Byron shares entertaining stories from his many years of hunting.

Getting the Most Out of Your Trail Cameras
Nick Wise - Spy Point Trail Camera
Are your trail cameras working for you? Understanding your trail camera features and capabilities. Utilizing those features to help make you have a successful season. Using your trail cameras as a scouting tool. Whether you are scouting a new hunting property in state or hunting out of state, placing those cameras in ideal spots for success. Using your trail camera pre-season, during the season, and off season. Knowing good areas to monitor on the property. Using Cellular or Traditional? Solar or Non-solar? The pro and cons to success.

Seminar Topic Coming Soon
Amanda Faulk - Faulk Outdoors
The number of female hunters has increased by 85% since 2001, now more than 20% of the industry is female. Women participate for leisure but more importantly as a means of providing food for their families. In addition, many women are also involved in conservation efforts and wildlife management. What does this mean for women in sport? What does this mean for businesses in the industry or need to shift to support the segment? How can you get involved?

Managing Your Woods for Both Timber and Habitat
Anthony Pappas - Heritage Habitat & Forestry
An introduction to "wildlife forestry", whereas we explain how we can manage for both commercial timber production and wildlife habitat simultaneously and sustainably. Using the saved money from the tax programs, re-investing those dollars into habitat treatments is an excellent choice!

Ultimate Whitetail Stalking and Tracking
Randy Flannery - Wilderness Escape Outfitters
Registered Master Maine Guide and renowned Tracker/Stalker, Randy Flannery, will show how to master the skills of aging, sexing, and reading deer tracks. He will also share, map and compass skills, how and where to find big bucks, how to walk up on big bucks in all conditions, how to react to big bucks when you jump them, how to shoot fast and accurate, and other big woods hunting skills.

Proper use of Deer Lures on Mock Scrapes, Scent Post, Hanging Ropes, and Using Deer Calls
John "Smokey" McNicholas – Smokey’s Deer Lures
Smokey McNicholas, a professional trapper by trade, has been making his lures and baits for over 20 year in the hills of West Virginia! He makes the first and only real Preorbital Gland Lure, not synthetic and bottled in glass, not plastic! These products have attracted the biggest bucks around, a fact proven by “Smokey’s Deer Lures” winning the Ohio Valley Big Buck contest 3 years in a row. Find out what makes these products work and learn firsthand the way to combine them for successful results. Remember this is the only place to find the true Preorbital Gland Lure!

Seminar Title Coming Soon
Gene & Barry Wensel
Whitetail deer are the Wensel brother’s specialty. From 1990 thru 1996, Barry and Gene guided almost 200 bowhunters to Pope & Young class whitetail bucks. Their success rate of 96% over seven consecutive seasons was possibly the highest known fair chase, free-ranging trophy whitetail, guided bowhunting results in history. Gene and Barry have hunted with recurves and longbows for over fifty years. They have been affiliated with Professional Bowhunters Society, the Pope & Young Club, the Boone & Crockett Club, QDMA, NRA, etc